Academic year 2024

Doctoral theses / 博士論文
  • L.S. Carneiro (Brazil): Evolution of sustainable corporate governance in the Japanese private sector and its prospects for the construction industry
  • C.L. Paudel (Nepal): Evaluation of factors affecting implementation delay of highway infrastructure projects and its consequences in Nepal
  • N. Acharya (Nepal): Exploring analytical approaches to data-driven safety management for mountainous highways
Master theses / 修士論文
  • M. J. Adarne (Philippines): Multidimensional study on the impacts of natural disasters on road infrastructure in the Philippines
  • S.Y.T. Dartey (Ghana): A study on road managers' perspectives towards improving pavement maintenance management in developing countries
  • S.N. Selorm (Ethiopia): Analysis of the causes and effects of road maintenance delay in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia
  • P. Lathouly (Laos): Analysis of institutional and capacity-building challenges to sustainable mobility in Laos

Academic year 2023

Doctoral theses / 博士論文
  • A. Amir (Pakistan): Rational maintenance management system for road infrastructure applying machine learning at the network and project levels
Master theses / 修士論文
  • A. Keopadith (Laos): A study on unlicensed drivers and road safety awareness for improving road safety in Lao PDR
Undergraduate theses / 卒業論文
  • K. Asagatani (Japan): Environmental impact assessment of concrete structures constructed using cast-in-place and precast methods / 浅ヶ谷K: 現場打ちとプレキャスト工法で構築したコンクリート構造物の環境影響評価
  • H. Kashiwazaki (Japan): Trends in sustainable corporate governance in Japanese companies before and after the SDGs came into force / 柏崎H: 日本企業におけるSDGs発効前後の持続可能なコーポレートガバナンスの動向
  • D. Murota (Japan): Analysis of drivers' road crash experiences based on a questionnaire survey in Laos / 室田D: ラオスにおけるアンケート調査を使用によるドライバーの交通事故経験の要因分析
  • Y. Nagai (Japan): Evaluation of disparities in road and bridge maintenance issues between municipalities in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area / 永井Y: 首都圏における道路橋維持管理に関する自治体間の格差の評価
  • R. Takaba (Japan): Statistical modeling of road crash severity for a highway in Nepal / 鷹羽R: ネパールの高速道路における交通事故の重大度の統計モデリング
  • H. Tomosue (Japan): Qualitative and quantitative analysis of added functionality evaluation for hybrid coastal infrastructure considering stakeholders' knowledge / 友末H: 利害関係者の知識度によるハイブリッド沿岸インフラの付加機能評価の質的・量的分析
  • R. Yamagishi (Japan): Comparison of predictive models for pavement condition on provincial roads in Pakistan using various analysis methods / 山岸R: 種々な分析方法を用いたパキスタンの州道における舗装状態指数の予測モデルの比較

Academic year 2022

Master theses / 修士論文
  • D.R. Chhetri (Bhutan): Analysis of geohazard occurrence and recovery along highways in Bhutan using road blockage database and geospatial characteristics
  • G.N. Muna (Kenya): Sustainability evaluation of modified asphalt concrete mixes using desirability function analysis
  • K.E.T. Fernando (Philippines): Understanding stakeholder perspectives on road development projects in the Philippines using Q Methodology
Undergraduate theses / 卒業論文
  • S. Kondo (Japan): Trends in carbon neutral efforts by Japanese companies and positioning of the construction industry / 近藤S: 日本企業におけるカーボンニュートラルの取組の傾向と建設業の位置付け
  • S. Masunaga (Japan): The impact of information gathering media on social vulnerability during the 2011 Thai flood / 増永S: 2011年タイ洪水時の社会的脆弱性に及ぼす情報収集メディアの影響
  • R. Nishimori (Japan): Analysis of the relationship between municipal waste reduction measures and the general public's interest in waste disposal issues / 西守R: 自治体のごみ減量への対策と一般住民のごみ処理問題への関心との関連分析
  • R. Nishiwaki (Japan): Comparison of highway bridge deterioration rates between regions using inspection data / 西脇R: 点検データを用いた高速道路における橋梁の劣化速度の地域別比較
  • M. Okada (Japan): Landslide risk assessment of national highway bridges in the Kingdom of Bhutan / 岡田M: ブータン王国における国道橋梁の土砂災害リスク評価
  • K. Ooba (Japan): A study on evacuation behavior during the 2020 Kyushu Floods under COVID-19 pandemic conditions / 大場K: コロナ禍における令和2年7月豪雨の避難行動に関する研究
  • H. Takanashi (Japan): Analysis of the changes in the SDGs achievement level of local governments in Japan / 髙梨H: 日本の自治体におけるSDGsの先進度変化の分析
  • A. Takeishi (Japan): Relationship between road risk ratings and traffic accident history on highways in Nepal / 武石A: ネパールの高速道路における道路危険度評価と交通事故実績との関係


Undergraduate theses / 卒業論文
  • S. Aihara (Japan): Effect of different high flowability concretes on the sustainability evaluation of structures / 粟飯原S: 異なる高流動コンクリートを使用した構造物のサステナビリティ評価
  • K. Akutsu (Japan): Analysis of the relationship between risk, hazard, and vulnerability to flood disasters in Thailand / 圷K: タイにおける水災害に対するリスク・ハザード・脆弱性の関係に関する分析
  • E. Hada (Japan): Statistical modeling of interest in disaster prevention measures and disaster prevention behavior / 羽田E: 防災対策への関心度および防災行動に関する統計的モデリング
  • R. Kobayashi (Japan): Calculation and case analysis of CO2 emissions due to the construction of coastal structures / 小林R: 沿岸構造物の建設に起因する二酸化炭素排出量算出と事例分析
  • K. Okumura (Japan): Analysis of the relationship between regional characteristics and bridge soundness in Japanese municipalities / 奥村K: 日本の自治体における地域特性と橋梁健全度との関連分析
  • S. Sasaki (Japan): Study on university enrollment rate and regional differences by prefecture / 佐々木S: 都道府県別大学進学率と地域格差に関する考察
  • K. Shimizu (Japan): Effect of indicator selection and weighting on the sustainability evaluation of coastal structures / 清水K: 評価指標の選択と重みが沿岸構造物のサステナビリティ評価に及ぼす影響
  • N. Shinoto (Japan): Survey and analysis of examples of SDG initiatives in civil engineering-related industries / 篠遠N: 土木関連業界におけるSDGsの取組事例の調査と分析
  • Y. Uno (Japan): Formation and application of statistical models for the risk of university students from natural disasters / 宇野Y: 自然災害に対する大学生のリスクに関する統計的モデルの構築と適用

Academic year 2020

Undergraduate theses / 卒業論文
  • S. Fujiwara (Japan): Comparison of the social perspectives of social media users and the general public on sustainable cities / 藤原S: 持続可能な都市に関する ソーシャルメディアユーザーと一般住民の社会的視座の比較
  • A. Inoue (Japan): Research on disaster support for foreign tourists at Olympic venues and tourist destinations / 井上A: オリンピック会場および観光地における外国人観光客の防災サポートに関する研究
  • H. Ito (Japan): Multi-criteria evaluation for international expansion of infrastructure inspection technologies / 伊藤H: 国際展開のためのインフラ点検技術の多面的評価
  • Y. Maeda (Japan): Understanding the development trends of ocean energy in Japan and its relationship with sustainability / 前田Y: 日本における海洋エネルギーの開発動向の把握およびサステナビリティとの関連
  • S. Shintani (Japan): The effect of various multi-criteria analysis methods on the sustainability evaluation of concrete / 新谷S: コンクリートのサステナビリティ評価に及ぼす種々な多基準分析法の影響
  • T. Tahara (Japan): Sustainability evaluation and mix optimization for concrete materials based on the SDGs / 田原T: SDGsに基づいたコンクリート材料のサステナビリティ評価及び配合の最適化
  • Y. Tokunaga (Japan): Trend analysis of SDG-related efforts in the CSR activities of the Japanese construction industry / 徳永Y: 建設業のCSR活動におけるSDGsの取り組みの傾向分析
  • R. Yuhara (Japan): Classification of prefectures based on changes over time in road infrastructure and socio-economic development / 湯原R: 道路インフラ整備と社会経済発展の経時的変化に基づいた都道府県の分類)