March 22: Graduation ceremony for academic year 2022
The graduation ceremony for the Department of Civil Engineering was held in person for the first time in three years. Eight undergraduate students from our laboratory received their diplomas. Congratulations!
March 10-17: Introductory course on Python
We participated in a training course on "Python Basics for Data Analytics and Visualization" provided by Mr. Haris Gulzar. The contents included Python data types, reading data from files, data visualization, data clustering, and geospatial data.
March 8-9: Joint seminar with Hokkaido University and SIT Material Design Lab
We hosted a joint seminar with faculty and students from the Environmental Material Engineering Laboratory and Laboratory of Engineering for Maintenance System from Hokkaido University, together with the Material Design Laboratory from SIT. Three students from our group shared their research progress on the financial impacts of natural disaster on road infrastructure in the Philippines, the effect of maintenance delay on road condition in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and risk assessment of road bridges in Bhutan. The next day, we toured the Technical Research Center of Kajima Corporation.
February 7-8: Undergraduate students' final presentations
Eight undergraduate students from our laboratory successfully presented the results of their graduation theses.
December 14: Joint seminar at Osaka University
We held a joint seminar with the Infrastructure Management Laboratory of Prof. Kaito at Osaka University. Three doctoral students from our laboratory presented on road maintenance management using AI, the usage of machine learning for road safety interventions, and bridge maintenance prioritization
September 21: Civil engineering softball tournament in Higashi Omiya
The annual civil engineering softball tournament was held for the first time in three years at Higashi Omiya Campus. Thanks to everyone's hard efforts and teamwork we got first place!
August 3-4: Joint seminar at Nagasaki University
We held a joint seminar on infrastructure maintenance and management with Prof. Nishikawa and his students from the Structural Engineering Laboratory at Nagasaki University. Six graduate students from our laboratory shared their research progress in various areas, including pavement and bridge maintenance, sustainable asphalt pavements, impacts of geohazards on road infrastructure, and sustainable governance. We also went on a tour of several bridges in northern Nagasaki Prefecture.
May 18: Tour of the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel
We joined a tour of the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel in Saitama Prefecture.