Publications and other achievements from before 2021 can be found on researchmap


Refereed scientific papers / 査読あり学術論文
Refereed international conference papers / 査読あり国際会議論文
Refereed domestic conference proceedings / 査読あり国内学会論文集
  • Henry, M., Suzuki, M., Hayakawa, K., and Kato, Y. (2024). Life cycle assessment and productivity evaluation of construction using high flowability concrete. Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute Vol. 46 No. 1, pp. 1633-1638.
Awards / 受賞
  • 2024/09: D.M. Sindo, M.J. Adarne and M. Henry, Excellent Presentation Award, 2024 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting (Sendai, Japan), "Impacts of Typhoon Odette on road infrastructure in the central Visayas region, Philippines."
  • 2024/09: M.J. Adarne, President's Award (Global), Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
  • 2024/09: N. Acharya, Regional Environment Systems Award, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
  • 2024/02: M.T. Chekol and M. Henry, Best Paper Award, SEATUC Symposium 2024 (Tokyo, Japan), "Causes of non-value adding activities in urban road infrastructure projects in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia."
  • 2024/02: K. Zangpo and M. Henry, Best Paper Award, SEATUC Symposium 2024 (Tokyo, Japan), "Association between bridge characteristics and maintenance prioritization for bailey bridges in Bhutan."


Refereed scientific papers / 査読あり学術論文
Refereed international conference papers / 査読あり国際会議論文
Awards / 受賞
  • 2023/09: A. Amir and M. Henry, Excellent Presentation Award, 2023 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting (Hiroshima, Japan), "Utilization of ANN and Markov Chain-based pavement performance models for network-level maintenance management."
  • 2023/09: M.J. Adarne and M. Henry, Excellent Presentation Award, 2023 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting (Hiroshima, Japan), "Financial Impacts of Different Types of Natural Disasters on Road Infrastructure in the Philippines."
  • 2023/06: P. Lathouly and M. Henry, Excellent Poster and Presentation Award, The 2nd International Joint Student Seminar on One Health One World (Thailand), "Analysis of the Effectiveness of Sustainable Mobility Policy Objectives and Actions: Case Studies in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Laos."


Refereed scientific papers / 査読あり学術論文
Refereed international conference papers / 査読あり国際会議論文
Awards / 受賞
  • 2022/09: K.E.T. Fernando and M. Henry, Excellent Presentation Award, 2022 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting (Kyoto, Japan), "Investigation of stakeholders' strongly held perspectives on the suspension of a road-widening project in the Philippines."


Refereed scientific papers / 査読あり学術論文
Refereed international conference papers / 査読あり国際会議論文