Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology / 芝浦工業大学工学部土木工学課程
Infrastructure Sustainability / インフラ・サステナビリティ
Development of sustainability analytics for concrete materials and structures
Improving the productivity of concrete construction based on sustainability evaluation
Research on carbon neutral and sustainability-oriented design for port structures
Road Asset Management / 道路アセットマネジメント
Deterioration prediction and maintenance planning of roads and bridges using inspection data
Road safety improvement planning and traffic safety awareness evaluation and education methods
Trends and countermeasures for disaster prevention, mitigation, and resilience of road infrastructure
Management methods for reducing delay and realizing lean construction for road projects
Sustainable Social Systems / サステナブル社会システムズ
Trends in sustainable governance and SDGs efforts and their evaluation and improvement
Research on the achievement status of SDGs in local governments and their driving force
Quantifying social perspectives on sustainable cities and infrastructure
Research projects / 研究プロジェクト
Academia-Industry collaboration
Research on sustainability-oriented design for port structures (Port and Airport Research Institute)
Joint research on the development of concrete technology that contributes to sustainable infrastructure development (Tokyo University of Science; Tokyu Construction; Tobishima Construction; Port and Airport Research Institute)
2023-2024 / A multidimensional study of sustainable road network management planning in Bhutan considering social impacts (Japan Society of Civil Engineers Research Grant for International Expansion of Infrastructure Management Technology)
2021-2022 / Application of inspection technologies and development of a knowledge transfer platform for realizing bridge maintenance management in Tajikistan (Japan Society of Civil Engineers Research Grant for International Expansion of Infrastructure Management Technology)
2020-2021 / Towards pandemic-resilient construction industry: Development of strategies for managing the impacts of COVID-19 and futureproofing construction supply chain (AUN/SEED-Net Special Program for Research Against COVID-19, PI: Dr. Kriengsak Panuwatwanich, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University)
2020 / Social perspectives on sustainable cities and communities in Japan and the Philippines (SIT project for research grant, Start-up)