English / Japanese

Yukiko Hirabayashi

Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institude of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Associate Professor, Ph.D.

*Research Funding*

Next-Generation World-Leading Researchers, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Assessment of global water scarcity associated with the future acceleration of mountain glacier melt/ Feb 2011-Mar 2014
Kaken funding program(Young A): Assessment of global water resources associated with the future change in mountain glacier melt/ Apr 2009 - Mar 2013 (up to Mar 2011)

IAHS Tison Award in 2009

*Other activity*
IAHS Science Steering Group for the 4th PUB Biennium 2009-2011

3-7-5, Toyosu, Koto-ku Tokyo
09D32, Shibaura Institute of Technology
hyukiko [at] shibaura-it.ac.jp
(Please change [at] to @, when you send e-mail to me.)